Ella: it's so pretty in here
Me: it is- this is a very special room though, that is why it is so pretty
Me: it is- this is a very special room though, that is why it is so pretty
Ella: they did a very good job building this
Me: chuckle
I just love that little girl- it was so fun to see her and all of my nieces and nephews reactions. My niece, Mazzy was even able to come and it was just so cool to have so much of our family there together. There is such a neat feeling there already and it made me feel so blessed and so lucky to know that we have so many temples so close that we can go to them whenever we need that peace and comfort. We really are so blessed!
After the open house we all went to Five Guys burgers and fries for dinner, Rachel and Kaia met us there so we had quite the crew! I have heard a few people talk about this place so it was fun to go. (thanks ben) The burgers were good but the fries were awesome it is probably a good thing that there isn't one of those close by here because I would be eating way too many of those fries.