Sunday, June 26, 2011


So I took the biggest test of my life this week!  I was so nervous to take it and even more nervous to find out if I passed.  The week leading up to it was so stressful and I just kept on praying that I would be smart enough to pass.  Well I was able to log in on Friday and find out the results. This is what I saw:

Grade:  Passed

Oh my goodness, I was beyond excited and so relieved to see that.  All of those prayer were answered!  WOOHOO!
So what does this mean? It means that I passed my NCLEX for my LPN license! It means I am officially a nurse.  It means that when people ask me what I do I no longer have to say that I am just a nursing student, I can say that I am a nurse!  Oh wow!  That feels SOOOOO good!


Unknown said...

Congrats on passing your test! WAHOO!!!!!!

One Happy Heart Family said...

Woot Woot WOOOOOOT Congrats, thats so exciting, trust me with all the nurse's we have had, You would be the best one!!!

Kirsten @ Mushki Loves said...

YAY! Congratulations Nurse Darci!