Monday, October 27, 2008

Party it up!!!

This weekend was full of halloween parties and we had such a blast! Friday night was our ward halloween party and it was so much fun. There was lots of chili and of course trunk or treating for the kids. It was fun to see everyone all dressed up even though not very many adults did dress up- i think we are going to have to work on that for next year:). Brad and I decided that we were going to dress up though so dressed up as a fairy and Brad wore this awful suit that he bought on his mission. It is seriously so ugly but he is pretty proud of it so he was excited to have an excuse to wear it. Everyone thought it was pretty cool and they were all disappointed when he didn't wear it to church on Sunday. Here are a couple pics from that night:
These are our good freinds Justin and Tina- they looked so great!

This is us all dressed up- I told you the suit was awful!

So then Saturday night was my mom's Halloween party. Our family does this every year but this was one of the best yet. Normally it is just the kids that get dressed up but this year we decided to have all of the grown-ups dress up to. I was sure how everyone was going to like it but it was so great! Everyone got really into it. The favorite was Bethany and Ben's costume. My mom looked so great in her witch costume and my dad went as Indianna Jones. It was just a lot of fun seeing everyone get so into it. Of course the kids all looked so cute too! We were super bummed that Rachel and Erik didn't make and as always we missed Jen's fam. Someday we will all be able to party together:)

Mom and Dad all dressed up- for some reason Mom could not stop laughing!

Beth and Ben- mostly it was just so weird to see Ben with Hair:)

All of us "grown-ups" Eating donuts on string- it is so funny to see how dorky you acutally look when you are doing this:)

I had to post this pic because this is the first batch of cupcakes Brad has ever baked and he was pretty proud of himself! They actually tasted pretty good!


Rob and Mare said...

Your parties looked like fun! That donut game is so funny. I loved that pic. You're a cute fairy Darc:) And good job to Brad on the cupcakes!

Carly said...

Brad does look pretty proud of those cupcakes! I love your cute Halloween costumes. I'm lame and never dress up but it's always fun to see everyone else dress up.

Jenny and Brett said...

It was our trunk or treat party on friday too. I wish I could have been there for the fam party. It looks like it was fun. Did Brad make those cupcakes from scratch?

Rachel McKinnie said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Now I reeeeally want to cry. What a BIG HUGE BUMMER!!!!!! I thought when Mom told me Bethany was moving on the 1st, and we would probably do it on the Saturday if she was not too busy moving. So I of course, thought that meant the Saturday of the 1st.... :( Wahhhhhhhhhhhh.... That's my favorite party of the year.
How come no pics of the kiddies ;)

Kari said...

You really looked so cute as a fairy. I should've dressed up, I ran out of time though. Anyway it was a great ward party!