This weekend was the first weekend that it felt like fall and I absolutely loved it. It finally got cold enough to pull out the sweaters- yay! I love sweater season so much! It rained and rained all weekend which makes me just want to bake cookies all day. Plus this weekend was general conference. I love conference weekend and since we have been married I love it even more because it means that Brad and I get to hang out all day- no meetings or nothing. Well Brad ended up getting us tickets for the sunday morning session of conference and we have been so excited to go, even though it meant waking up way early. So we woke up bright and early (but it really wasn't bright at all) And got ready. Since it was so cold outside I decided that I should probably wear nylons (I really hate wearing nylons). So I scrounged to find a pair with out runs and then I put them on and what do you know- as I am pulling them up I made a huge hole in them. So I quickly scrounge to find another pair and luckily I was able to find some and I put them on with no problems. Well so we get down to the conference center and after we sit down I look down at my leg and what do you know- I got a huge run in them that went like halfway up my leg. Grrrr I was so mad at those things- now I know why I don't like them. Besides that though we really had such a good time. The session of course was so good. It is always so neat to hear what the leaders have to say. We both really enjoyed it. My favorite part about going to conference is when the prophet walks in and everyone stands up. It is so reverent in there and the spirit is so strong. We are so lucky to be led by such an amazing man. Another neat thing was that there weren't hardly any protesters there at all. This was so different from other times that I have been and I started thinking that maybe Heavenly Father makes it rain on conference weekend so that the protesters won't want to be out there:) I really don't know but it was definitely nice! We had such a good time though and we were so grateful to have the oppurtunity to go.
We went Saturday morning and it was pouring and so cold! There were tons of protesters there, even with all the rain. But the session was so good. I'm glad you guys had fun! I hate nylons, too!
you guys are so cute together! i hear you on the nylons, and sweater season. i think we're good friends because of our mutual love for sweaters.
I love conference weekend too! that's fun you guys got to go down there. I haven't gone in a long time it feels like.
Bad luck on the nylons huh? I mostly wear tights for that very reason. They are much more durable!
It's definitely fall here also. Frezzing in the morning and crisp in the day. I love, love, love it!!
I am glad that you got the chance to go to general conference. I admire our prophet so much!
Yup, I hate nylons, too! I'm so glad you got to go to Conference! What fun for you! It was fun having dinner, too! Let's get together!
Ok so I did not see you for a long time and then I was in your ward. Then life took a huge turn for me. I am sure you have heard and once again I have not seen you in forever it seems. How are you? We need to catch up!
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