Here are some things we are looking forward to most:

Water Tower Place mall! Can we say Shopping!
Water Tower Place mall! Can we say Shopping!
Me in Times Square- bet you can't guess why this is one of Brad's favorite pics of me:)
A couple of my freinds, Chritianna and Melissa and I randomly decided to drive up to boston for the weekend- this is us in front of the Boston Temple.
The view out of my bedroom window- the Hudson river and West Point Academy across the way. That was the most incredible view to wake up to every morning.
Me and my girls- Claire and Grace. This was on my last day out there so it was kind of a sad day. They are such cute girls and we had so much fun together.
By far the best part about being out there was being able to spend so much time with my sister Jenny and her family who live out there. She and I grew so close while I was out there and we were able to do so much together. It was so fun being able to spend so much time with her kids as well and I miss them so much. (notice how tan I am in this pic? thanks to having a pool I spent a lot of time in the sun and I think this is the tannest I have ever or will ever be)
These next four pics are of the last summer that I spent in NY. Brad and I had been dating for a few months when I went back out to ny for a couple of months. It was really hard to be away from him for so long but we got by thanks to phone calls and emails. Well one night I was sitting at home watching some tv and my doorbell rang. I almost didn't answer because it was late at night and I was the only one home. Finally I just decided to answer and it was my sister and her family and I couldn't figure out why she came to my house so late so I invite them in and as I am shutting the door Brad pops out from around the corner. He totally surprised me. I had no clue he was coming out. He had been planning it since I left and my parent, the family I lived with and my sister were all in on it. I don't know how he pulled it off but he did. Well we had such a fun weekend together and it was so fun to show him all around ny.
Outside the Manhattan Temple- we were able to go and do baptisms and it was really cool.
The Toys R Us in Times Square- it is huge and has all sorts of neat lego creations! Brad is posing in front of the Lego Statue of Liberty!
Brad and I in Central Park!
Us on the subway!