Monday, December 21, 2009

Chop Chop!

Here is the before:

(don't mind the lack of makeup in this one- it was a little early)

Here is the during:

Here is the after:

It took two years to grow it out and about 20 minutes to cut it off, but I love it! I am definitely a short hair person and that long hair totally tested my patience! I decided a while ago that I wanted to grow my hair out to donate it and have been waiting forever for it to be long enough and on Friday it finally was! I donated about 12 inches which is more than I thought I had. I am so glad to see it go- Brad was a little to attached to the long hair though so he's isn't too excited about the new do- but I am!


Jodi said...

I'm a fan! What are we going to do with these boys that think long hair is a good thing!?

christianna said...

super cute!! love it!

One Happy Heart Family said...

I really do LOVE IT!!! Long or short you can pull the look off!!! Beautiful as always anyway!

Mary said...

I already told you this but I LOVE IT!! It is so stylish and it looks so good on you!

Dean and Sheri said... are so cute...long hair of short!

Rob and Mare said...

I love your hair! I agree, you look really cute with short hair:)
Darci we don't live that far away from each other. I need to see you more:) The other night was fun. Sooo good to see you!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!

Kari said...

Holy cow! I had no idea your hair was that long. I totally still pictured you with short hair. Man you had a lot. Looks way cute short!

Jenn said...

I love your hair short, and long, but short is my favorite! I am itching to cut mine off again, but Jordan is begging me to wait...Men!! ;) Love your tree - it was beautiful! And I love your post about being married - those are some great thoughts!