Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Girls Night!

So since this weekend was the Relief Society broadcast that meant that it was girls night! Me, my mom and my sisters Sarah and Bethany were all able to go to the broadcast together down at Bethany's stake center. I thought that the broadcast was really good and especially enjoyed President Uchtdorf's talk. So after the broadcast we headed out to dinner and decided that Mim's would be a good choice. It was crazy busy in there with lots of women from the conference as well as homecoming dance goers:) But it was so fun to be able to sit and talk, we don't get to go out as girls very often. I love my mom and all my sisters so much- we missed Rachel and Jenny but maybe one day we will all be able to get together!
Here is a pic of us at Mimi's:
Brad and I enjoyed the rest of our weekend though it was definitely crazy. We got to go down to Rachel's house on sunday for my niece Kaia's birthday and it was lots of fun. The guys all had fun playing washers (if i really knew what it was i would explain) and my neice Ella and I had tons of fun playing fairies together- we got to fly around the whole backyard:) It is just so nice to have a family that is so fun and that we enjoy spending so much time together. I just love it when we all get together!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

One Fine Day!

So I know that this is kind of cheesy but I have to do it, because it is a big deal to me. So you are just going to have to bear with me! Two years ago today Brad and I got engaged! I had been waiting for him to purpose for like a month but due to the fact that he designed my ring it took a little longer to get the ring than if we had just picked one out. I had been getting so impatient and was really starting to get worried that it was never going to happen. Then one Sunday afternoon when my family was getting together to celebrate my niece, Kaia's birthday, Brad decided that he was going to bring over some pinatas for the kids since this was a big thing they did on his mission. So he came over and the kids were all excited so we went out back and everyone decided that I should be the first one to hit the pinata but I thought that the kids should go first. Finally everyone convinced me to go so I did and when I broke the pinata open, I took off my blindfold and Brad was down on his knee with the ring and he asked me to marry him. Obviously I said yes, but it was such an overwhelming thing for me. Inside the pinata had been a bunch of confetti and a ring pop that he had covered in glitter since he didn't want to put the real ring in there! I had never imagined getting purposed to like that- I always thought it would be somewhere that we were all alone. But I am so glad that he did it like that now because my family was there and they all took some great pics!
Mostly I just had to post about this because I am so lucky to have Brad. He makes me so happy and he does so much for me all of the time. It is just so crazy how fast time flies because sometimes it doesn't seem like it was that long ago at all. But we have so much fun and I can't imagine being with anyone else. I am definitely very spoiled!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Crock Pot Thursdays!

So probably the fact that we got five of these babies for our wedding should have clued me in to the fact that they are pretty amazing, but for whatever reason it has taken me almost 2 years to discover why so many people felt I should have one of these in my kitchen!
So since my school and work schedule is a little hectic and I usually don't get home until after six, I have been really struggling with making dinners because I am usually just not in the mood and way to hungry to make a big meal. So I had this brilliant idea to start using my crock pot more so that I could start my meal in the moring and by the time I get home in the evening Brad and I would have a yummy meal waiting for us!
So I have officially declared thursdays as Crock Pot Thursdays! That is the one day of the week that I have a little time in the morning and also that Brad or I are not having to rush off to a meeting in the evening- so we can actually enjoy our dinner!
I have been venturing out on a limb with some new recipes such as last nights Corn Chowder, but if any of you have some good easy crock pot recipes I would love to add some more recipes to our thursday night menu!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

a little mid week pick me up!

So Brad showed this to me a few days ago and I thought it was so fun! I love the real version of this song and thought she did a great job with this. I think it is so neat when "big famous" people take time out for the cute little kids! Enjoy!

Monday, September 1, 2008

a little "r and r"

So I have already expressed my anguish over starting school and my fears over brad and I not really spending much time together this semester. So a few weeks ago I found out that I would have the whole labor day weekend off. So I talked brad into letting us go up to park city for a night. We left after I got off work friday night and got up to our hotel about 8:00pm. We checked into our hotel, but at this point I was absolutely starving so we didn't even go up to our room. We headed straight over to main street and found a steak house called Bandits. Brad of course got a steak and I got ribs. It was pretty good food- they had these grilled green beans that were amazing and I am now on quest to recreate them! So after dinner I was feeling much better so we walked around main street a little bit and we just happened to run into the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. Oh my heck I love that place. So we picked out a few chocolates- and then we noticed that they had rock candy. That stuff just brings back so many memories for me. My dad used to by it for us when we would go up there and it was the coolest thing to me. So we had to get some of that! Only I was a little dissapointed when I actually tasted mine because it was bubble gum flavor- I swear that when I was little pink was not bubble gum- oh well! So with our treasures in hand we headed back to our hotel. We were pretty happy when we got up there because our room was really nice. It had a full kitchen with granite counter tops and huge bathroom. The room was big enough that we didn't feel cramped and they had it decorated so nice that it didn't even feel like a hotel room it was really cozy!

The best part about our little trip was that we got to sleep in on saturday and just hang out. We didn't have anywhere that we needed to rush off to. We headed down to starbucks for some donuts and juice in the morning and then later on it was off to none other than the outlets! We found a few good deals up there but mostly it was just so fun to hang out and not have to worry about work or school or anything else. While strolling around the outlets we went into the Nike store because Brad was wanting to find some new basketball shoes. I was kind of bored and not really into looking at the shoes so I just started wandering and happened upon the section for really big footed men. I found this shoe that was a size 18! Holy cow a size 18! I was laughing so hard and I showed it brad and then we were both laughing so hard. This thing was huge! it was like the size of my arm! We took a pic with our feet too so you could see how big it was. It makes my foot look like a midget foot! Well that pretty much wrapped up our outlet shopping and so we then headed to quiznos for lunch and topped it all off with a cold stone waffle bowl!
Really we were both just so glad to have a nice break with no worries. We are definitely going to have to do it more often!