So I know that this is kind of cheesy but I have to do it, because it is a big deal to me. So you are just going to have to bear with me! Two years ago today Brad and I got engaged! I had been waiting for him to purpose for like a month but due to the fact that he designed my ring it took a little longer to get the ring than if we had just picked one out. I had been getting so impatient and was really starting to get worried that it was never going to happen. Then one Sunday afternoon when my family was getting together to celebrate my niece, Kaia's birthday, Brad decided that he was going to bring over some pinatas for the kids since this was a big thing they did on his mission. So he came over and the kids were all excited so we went out back and everyone decided that I should be the first one to hit the pinata but I thought that the kids should go first. Finally everyone convinced me to go so I did and when I broke the pinata open, I took off my blindfold and Brad was down on his knee with the ring and he asked me to marry him. Obviously I said yes, but it was such an overwhelming thing for me. Inside the pinata had been a bunch of confetti and a ring pop that he had covered in glitter since he didn't want to put the real ring in there! I had never imagined getting purposed to like that- I always thought it would be somewhere that we were all alone. But I am so glad that he did it like that now because my family was there and they all took some great pics!
Mostly I just had to post about this because I am so lucky to have Brad. He makes me so happy and he does so much for me all of the time. It is just so crazy how fast time flies because sometimes it doesn't seem like it was that long ago at all. But we have so much fun and I can't imagine being with anyone else. I am definitely very spoiled!
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6 years ago
How does such a cute, amazing girl like Darci get stuck with a homely goon like me???
I don't know but I am so glad she settled!
I love ya Darc! Thanks for saying yes(after you freaked out and hit me a couple of times)!
It's been so amazing being married to Darci and I can't believe she puts up with me...she must really love me! I love you too! Happy engagement anniversary babe!
what a cute engagement story! and cute pictures too! congrats on your 2 year engagement anniversary! :)
Aw, you have a very sweet hubby :) What a cute way to propose. Your ring is gorgeous- he did a great job designing it. Happy 2 year engagement anniversary!
That is such a cute thoughtful engagement story. Good job Brad! I love your ring, it is gorgeous! He did well designing it.
You guys are so cute! Funny Brett say's the same things that Brad says. They really are lucky-HEE-HEE
No really Brad is lucky to have you and you are lucky to have him.
Has it really been 2 years already??? That's crazy. Seems like not that long ago. You guys are the cutest couple and are so luck to have each other :D
How cute! He's so creative! Congrats! I love the pictures. Becka like the music on your blog, every time I read it she starts dancing!
Darci, that is so cute story I wish I had people there to take pic's when Nick and I got engaged. I am so glad that I found you (even though I see you 2 x a week)
I am so glad that you have such a great guy like Brad. If only every marriage could be as good as yours. I hope all is well with you!
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