Friday, September 19, 2008

Crock Pot Thursdays!

So probably the fact that we got five of these babies for our wedding should have clued me in to the fact that they are pretty amazing, but for whatever reason it has taken me almost 2 years to discover why so many people felt I should have one of these in my kitchen!
So since my school and work schedule is a little hectic and I usually don't get home until after six, I have been really struggling with making dinners because I am usually just not in the mood and way to hungry to make a big meal. So I had this brilliant idea to start using my crock pot more so that I could start my meal in the moring and by the time I get home in the evening Brad and I would have a yummy meal waiting for us!
So I have officially declared thursdays as Crock Pot Thursdays! That is the one day of the week that I have a little time in the morning and also that Brad or I are not having to rush off to a meeting in the evening- so we can actually enjoy our dinner!
I have been venturing out on a limb with some new recipes such as last nights Corn Chowder, but if any of you have some good easy crock pot recipes I would love to add some more recipes to our thursday night menu!


Rob and Mare said...

Mmmm... I LOVE crock pot meals! This is my favorite recipe. It's super easy too.

4 hours | 3 min prep | SERVES 4
4-5 boneless chicken breasts (frozen)
1 (15 1/2 ounce) can black beans
1 (15 ounce) can corn
1 (15 ounce) jar salsa, any kind
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese
(I like the medium salsa)
Take 4-5 frozen, yes, frozen, boneless chicken breasts put into crock pot.
add 1 can of black beans, drained, 1 jar of salsa, 1 can of corn drained.
Keep in crock pot on high for about 4-5 hours or until chicken is cooked.
Add 1 package of cream cheese (just throw it on top!) and let sit for about 1/2 hour.
All done and enjoy!

I like it in tortillas:)Oh, but I've overcooked it a couple times to where the chicken is too shredded and it's not as good. Let me know if you like it!:)

Laurel said...

I absolutely love crock pots and their convenience. My older sister has adapted so many meals to be cooked in the crock pot. If I was the master of them I would leave you a recipe, but I am still learning to. Darn it all that each day goes too fast. I love your idea of picking a day though and making sure you do dinner together. that is a good idea!

Mary said...
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Mary said...

I love crockpots! But I hardly ever use mine. This is a good cooking blog if you're ever bored or need new ideas.
Oh, and I love your new picture on the right! It's so cute!

Jenny and Brett said...

I love my crockpot-when I actually use it:) I will have to come up with some for you. Maybe we can swap. Love ya!

Rachel McKinnie said...

Mmmmm....mare and rob's recipe sounds yummy!
I'm thinking :l

Jenn said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my crockpot! I use it all the time! I have some great recipes that I've found over the years, so call me and we'll swap! I'm so glad that you found a way to have a yummy dinner when you're busy! Nothing is worse than being so hungry, so tired, and having nothing to eat but cold cereal! Call me!

Carly said...

i also love my crockpot but i don't use it nearly enough.

that's fun you helped claire thornock get her wedding dress. she is a darling girl. i was hoping she'd wait to get married until drew gets home from his mission :)

Kristen said...

I have some really yummy ones Call me and will share.