So I know I am a little late with this but we had left our camera at Brad's parents so we had to wait a little to be able to post about Christmas. We had such a good Christmas this year and I am sad that it is all over now. Oh well- there will be plenty more to come! On christmas eve we headed over to my parents for our swedish smorgasbord- as always the food was so yummy and we ate way too much. This year my dad organized a little christmas program- we have done it a few times before but this year was probably the best. Some of my nieces and my nephew performed songs and then my brother in law, Ben did a couple of numbers. It was a lot of fun! We had lots of fun just being with family.
Christmas morning was just us and we enjoyed sleeping in and then opening presents together. Brad was definitely very good to me this christmas. He always comes up with such good gifts and I am determined that one year I am going to outdo him!
We headed out to Brad's families for yummy Christmas dinner and somehow managed to not take any pictures there. The food was excellent so naturally we overate again. It was so good to see everyone and we had tons of fun playing games and just talking!
Christmas morning was just us and we enjoyed sleeping in and then opening presents together. Brad was definitely very good to me this christmas. He always comes up with such good gifts and I am determined that one year I am going to outdo him!
We headed out to Brad's families for yummy Christmas dinner and somehow managed to not take any pictures there. The food was excellent so naturally we overate again. It was so good to see everyone and we had tons of fun playing games and just talking!
My cute niece Syndey playing the piano
Okay I am missing a pic- my nephew Joey played jingle bells on the trumpet for us but my picture did not turn out:(
Ben playing the trumpet- he is so good and it is so fun to hear him play
My cute mom and dad
Our tree on christmas morning!
I love your tree. It looks like you got some cute presents from under there. That's pretty funny about the BYU shirt. The guys I work with are always doing stuff like that to each other.
We were wishing that we were there. It looks like everyone had fun. Maybe sometime in our future we will see everyone.
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